Oregon, Oregon, Oregon... What an insanely beautiful location, but such challenging weather! The scenery is nothing but mind blowing. The mountains, the gorge, the lakes and the wonderful people. A dream location for any photographer, right? I'm still in Portland for another day, so I've only done a quick process of one pictures. The two mile hike up to Punchbowl Falls was pretty nice, even tho I was dragging around with an extra bag holding my heavy waders!
This image is taken from above, showing the beautiful bowl that the 11 meters tall waterfall drops into. Recently a tree fell down blocking some of the view of the waterfall from the lower area (not visible from this perspective). I will share another image of this amazing waterfall when I get back home to Norway and have time to properly process the images.
EXIF and details about techniques used can be found under the image.
Upper view of Punchbowl Falls
EXIF: ISO100 - f/13 - 1/3 sec
To edit this picture of Punchbowl Falls, I started doing minor adjustments as exposure, contrast, highlighs & shadows in Lightroom as well as enabling profile corrections. Further I went in to Photoshop where I selectively added some Orton Effect in the lighter areas of the image. Still using luminosity masks I used the burn tool on a 50% grey layer and blending mode Soft Light to darken some of the areas between the glowing trees, to get more contrast. I then added some details in the rocky parts between the water and falls, before I used Tony Kuypner's "Soft Glow" on a very low opacity, to get a more lush green. Last I used Nik Software to Darken/Lighten the centre.
As always I appreciate your feedback or questions, either in the comment field or by sending me an email through the Contact page.