Abstract Vision: Faces of the Ocean

Moving the focus from grand landscapes to small details

It's easy to forget that the grand landscape is filled with small details. All these details combined is what creates the landscape that makes our jaws drop, yet we rarely pay them any attention. 

Noticing these scenes opens the door to a completely new world. A world that can be both beautiful and frightening. A world you normally don't notice. Yet a world worth discovering. 

Playing with the shutter speed may help reveal this abstract world. This is what I love about abstract photography, there is no rules. You never really know what will appear, at least not when photographing moving subjects such as water. The images below are proof of this. All three images looks different, even tho the shutter speed is almost the same - and the camera has only moved a little. 

If you look closely at the first image, you can see at least three faces. Can you spot them?

Faces of the ocean - abstract photography 

Faces of the ocean - abstract photography 

abstract ocean photography - liencres spain

abstract ocean photography - liencres spain

turbulence - Liencres, Spain

turbulence - Liencres, Spain

Abstract Vision is a new segment I will regularly share on my blog. For these posts I'm stepping away from the big landscapes and focusing on the small, intimate scenes. Sharing the wonders of the details that makes the grand landscapes beautiful. 

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