2016 has in many ways been a memorable year. Here's a collection of my 16 favorite images captured throughout the year.
Instagram Stories: What to Expect From Me
As many of you might have noticed, Instagram recently released their latest update Instagram Stories. My first reaction was rather negative, as it is a copy of Snapchat, but after giving it some thought I've come to the conclusion that this can be a great way to connect further with all of you.
Abstract Vision: Faces of the Ocean
It's easy to forget that the grand landscape is filled with small details. All these details combined is what creates the landscape that makes our jaws drop, yet we rarely pay them any attention. Noticing these scenes opens the door to a completely new world. A world that can be both beautiful and frightening. A world you normally don't notice. Yet a world worth discovering.
Blood Moon - Total Lunar Eclipse
Sunday night I witnessed a lunar eclipse for the first time. Looking back at it now, it is the most fascinating phenomenon I have ever witnessed in nature.
Northern Lights in the East
Two weeks ago we had a spectacular night, better than any I have ever seen here in the east. The lights where dansing above is and we even got a touch of purple Aurora in the sky. To make the night even better, there was no wind, giving beautiful reflections in the lakes.
Local Exploring
As a passionate traveler I often forget to explore the local landscapes. Instead of looking out my own window, I spend hours upon hours researching locations and daydreaming about traveling to exotic locations. What I tend to forget is the fact that most of the year is spent in my hometown, not in another country.
Botany Bay a treasure in South Carolina
Reflecting upon my resent journey around North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina, on location often cross my mind. Two weeks of visiting beautiful locations, yet one seems to pop into my mind more often. Botany Bay. The more I think about it, the greater it gets. The most unique beach, an incredible road and thrilling wildlife. Could it be any better?
Magazine Feature
The last year has been a great year for me and my photography. I've been apart of some fun projects, I've traveled to amazing locations, I've captured some of my favorite photos and I have had a great boost in traffic on my website. Today I am honoured to share that my portfolio is featured over 16 pages in the latest Nature issue of Camerapixio Magazine.