During a two week photography trip to Madeira we didn’t quite get the conditions we had hoped for. Here’s what happened next.
Disko Bay and the Melting Icebergs of Greenland
After spending 10 days in Greenland, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed – the scenery is incredible but it's changing fast.
Guest at the Travelling Image Makers Podcast
I recently had the honor to be a guest at the Traveling Image Makers Podcast by travel photographers Ugo Cei and Ralph Velasco. It was a fun 40 minutes and we talked about subjects such as Long Exposure Photography, drone photography, why I moved from the picturesque Norway to the lesser known northern Spain and much more.
If you want to learn more about me and my photography be sure to download the free episode of this podcast and tune into the interview. This was a fun experience and I'll be looking forward to attending more podcasts in the future!
We spend a lot of time talking about Long Exposure Photography and my latest eBook The Ultimate Guide to Long Exposure Photography. In the interview, I also talk about some of the most common mistakes I see amongst beginning photographers who are just getting started with this interesting technique. These are mistakes I haven't talked about in the eBook but they are important to avoid if you really want to capture images that impress.
Long Exposure of a beautiful lake right outside of Rondane National Park in Norway
I hope you enjoyed the interview. Be sure to let me know what you think and/or leave a review of the Travelling Image Makers Podcast on iTunes - I'm sure they would appreciate that!
Best Images of 2016
2016 has in many ways been a memorable year. Here's a collection of my 16 favorite images captured throughout the year.
Colors of Crete
During my one week visit to the largest island of Greece I got to challenge myself and step out of my photographic comfort zone. Crete is a beautiful island with nice people and captivating sceneries that I had a great time capturing.
Botany Bay a treasure in South Carolina
Reflecting upon my resent journey around North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina, on location often cross my mind. Two weeks of visiting beautiful locations, yet one seems to pop into my mind more often. Botany Bay. The more I think about it, the greater it gets. The most unique beach, an incredible road and thrilling wildlife. Could it be any better?