Reflecting upon my resent journey around North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina, on location often cross my mind. Two weeks of visiting beautiful locations, yet one seems to pop into my mind more often. Botany Bay. The more I think about it, the greater it gets. The most unique beach, an incredible road and thrilling wildlife. Could it be any better?
Cloudland Canyon Waterfalls and Scenic View
Cloudland Canyon was one of those places I stumbled across coincidentally while doing research for my trip, and was also mentioned to me a couple times after this. I wasn't sure it would be the most spectacular place for sunset, especially since I now was spoiled with the beauty of the Smoky Mountains. However I had read about a waterfall hike, and the images I saw convinced me that this was worth the drive alone. I should probably mention that it wasn't a bad spot for sunset after all.
A Study of the South: Great Smoky Mountains
It's very rare that I aim to get a "classic shot" that has been taken thousands of times before me. I prefer to explore a place and try to show what I see, without copying what has been done before me. This time it was different. I have always loved those sunrises or sunsets of Smoky Mountains where you get layer upon layer, and ideally some nice light in between them too.
A Study of the South: First Impressions
As some of you may know by now, I'm at the moment on a 2 week journey in the Southern states of USA. North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. From mountains to ocean. I'll be spending these two weeks driving around, photographing both popular and less known locations and hopefully meeting new people. At the end of these two weeks, I hope to have captured a small amount of pictures that describes the Southern States, at least through a foreigners eyes.